
Sharp Color Memory LCD is on

Sharp Color Memory LCD is on

Info DisplayModule

We got the SHARP color memory lcd: LS013B7DH06 (1.33” 128 × 128 SPI ) , which has 8 colors ( Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White).

Sharp Color Memory LCD is on

Info DisplayModule

We got the SHARP color memory lcd: LS013B7DH06 (1.33” 128 × 128 SPI ) , which has 8 colors ( Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White).

Sharp Memory LCD -

Sharp Memory LCD -

Info DisplayModule

1.35" 96x96 Sharp Memory LCD Display Module is from Embedded Artists. Refer to the quick start guide from Adafruit, we debug it with arduino MEGA, plus Adafruit examples and GFX...

Sharp Memory LCD -

Info DisplayModule

1.35" 96x96 Sharp Memory LCD Display Module is from Embedded Artists. Refer to the quick start guide from Adafruit, we debug it with arduino MEGA, plus Adafruit examples and GFX...

A screen that requires no power? - ePaper Display

A screen that requires no power? - ePaper Display

Info DisplayModule

We are starting to introduce several new epaper displays from the market.First of all, here comes the 1.44 epaper / eink from PDI.

A screen that requires no power? - ePaper Display

Info DisplayModule

We are starting to introduce several new epaper displays from the market.First of all, here comes the 1.44 epaper / eink from PDI.

OLED Series Screen -

OLED Series Screen -

Info DisplayModule

The biggest advantage of OLED displays is the potential for longer battery life, particularly with a dark user interface like on the Apple Watch.

OLED Series Screen -

Info DisplayModule

The biggest advantage of OLED displays is the potential for longer battery life, particularly with a dark user interface like on the Apple Watch.

DIY Remote Control Boat with DisplayModule Screen for Water Quality Monitoring

DIY Remote Control Boat with DisplayModule Scre...

Info DisplayModule

This boat is marvelous and useful in our daily life. Based on a normal toy boat with some specific sensors, anyone could control it to obtain key parameters of water.

DIY Remote Control Boat with DisplayModule Scre...

Info DisplayModule

This boat is marvelous and useful in our daily life. Based on a normal toy boat with some specific sensors, anyone could control it to obtain key parameters of water.

A Remote Control Car with DisplayModule Screen From DFRobot Maker

A Remote Control Car with DisplayModule Screen ...

Info DisplayModule

A Maker from DFrobot built an interesting Robot car, controlled by DM-TFT50-111.

A Remote Control Car with DisplayModule Screen ...

Info DisplayModule

A Maker from DFrobot built an interesting Robot car, controlled by DM-TFT50-111.